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Showing posts from December, 2017

Relation between SERP and SEO

We often hear about SERP ranking both from writing in a blog article that discusses SEO as well as in many SEO forums. But there are also many who actually ask what is SERP? SERP is what? Is SERP different from SEO? Well, this time I will try to answer all those questions about SERP and SEO.   What is SERP? SERP in english is an acronym or abbreviation of a combination of several letters or syllables written and pronounced into a word like SERP.So SERP is short for Search Engine Result Page.So what is the difference SERP with SEO? What is the difference between SERP and SEO? When viewed from the meaning of the word SERP (search engine result page) with SEO (search engine optimization) then the difference lies in its function. In other words SEO is an action and SERP is the result of the action. So, SEO is an activity that produces SERP. If SEO is an action or activity, it means that SEO has several steps to make the results in the SERP rank can be maximized....

How to Implementing Google seo starter guide

Learn more about google SEO starter guide On September google has update their SEO starter guide.Those guide was really great,not only their using meta description again,its also have several update about new use on JSONLD markups delivery as a new data delivery known as structured data on our sites.And now i would like to make it simplify to better for you to understand it. Google SEO is a way of SEO practice by doing optimization in accordance with rules and policies owned by google.Plenty have say that this practice is the implementation of whitehat SEO practice. Then what kind of practices should be done to match the policies of google? In our writing this time will be discussed best practices that you can do in implementing google SEO.This was a guidelines base on google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide Google best practices SEO is the application of seo on page and seo off page Google seo on page is a basic practice of a site for the optimization pr...

How to Implementing SEO on blog

My first interest on SEO On this occasion, I will try to explain the rules of application of SEO on blogs that we have.Actually, many bloggers who forget this technique, and think SEO is not important, but unconsciously they are actually implementing the SEO. I also thought that SEO is not a certainty, because many people who write about it with a variety of language styles and styles of application. But because of my curiosity about this one thing I finally decided to make a personal research in terms of SEO. This is the result of my research on SEO that they said difficult to learn but very important existence for the sustainability of blogs that we have. SEO on page SEO on page consists of several important parts that I try to sort them selves according to my understanding, I hope you who read this article will be easier to understand as well. Because SEO on page is always associated with the look of blogs that will you serve to search engine users, the search engin...

The relationship between SEO and Google adsense

The relationship between SEO and Google adsense is very close, where someone who wants his blog accepted by the most popular advertising network in the world must obey the term of service from google adsense. Where is the close relationship? An adsense publisher has certainly a blogger who will understand the planning of blogs, whether it is in terms of arrangement of the display, speedload, until an article that sells. Well, all that requires understanding of good onpage SEO techniques. Then what criteria if we want to be accepted as an adsense publisher? 1. Have a blog or site It is certain that an adsense publisher is required to have a site for ads to be displayed on their site. Even an owner of a YouTube video if the video monetation wants to continue is required to have a TLD domed site first. Similarly with appgeek ... those who have admob are advised to have a site in order to monetize their content to the maximum. 2.Must have a complete structured data A...