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The best place to start your own blog

Where to start?

As a beginner creating a good blog is the hardest task to do.It could even be said to be a mission impossible, So you would be immediately leave it just like that.

But this time after you read this article from me maybe you will think differ and start to think how much fun to make a blog, because it is very easy.I will guide you until you understand how to make your own blog,and its very easy, all you have to do and need is just read and learn and also implement.

The first thing we have to know to create our own blog was where to start it Wright?
So i Will give you some list a place to start your on blog,from a free platform and paying platform.

Free platform blog

I think the very best place to start your blog in a free platform was on blogger.Why? Cause its free and it had an easy menu to start.All navigation you need on blogger dashbord was very easy to learn and to setup.

The best part was on the theme editor.You can learn how to put a script on your template.This was a Perfect place to learn all you have to know about everything that related with blogs.Like posting,SEO,Scripting and many other that involved on creating a big blog on it.Include the use of Costum domain name too...

I Will explain all of that later on my next post.So stay tune ok😊.

Paying platform blog

If you want to start to be a profesional blogger Wordpress.com was a great place.They Will provide all tools you need for a great blog that already purchase a premium package.

All the tools was to help you easy on SEO,monetizing,and plenty of theme that can make your blog have a beautiful appearance.

All of this advantage Will be my other next post.So i hope you Will stay tune in this blog,subscribe if you want it.
See you


The best

How to add Structured data on new blogger theme

JSONLD markups delivery For those of you who have blogs that use the latest blogger themes like contempo, emporio, Soho and noteable, may still be confused to find a way to add structured data manually to your blog. Because the type of delivery markup used by the new blogger theme is a markups type JSONLD delivery. This JSONLD markups different with old schema markups that known as inline markups delivery,it was the newest schema structured data markups that already have been used by google and Bing to generated and collecting data from our blogger site,and might be the newest type of data collecting. But still There is no breadcrumbs markups that ever Made for an articles type.So you still can use the inline markups delivery to use it.As a webmaster this markups is essential to make a snippet for your blogger site. Ok then,this time we will provide instructions on how to add structured data on new blogger themes such as contempo, emporio, Soho and noteable. Structured data...